(1 Kuna = 100 Lipa). There are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 Lipa
coins, 1, 2, 5 and 25 Kuna coins and 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,
200, 500 and 1,000 Kuna banknotes.
Foreign currencies can be exchanged at banks, exchange
offices, post offices and at most tourist agencies, hotels
and camping grounds. Banking hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. from
Monday to Friday. On Saturdays banks are open until 1 p.m.
In the larger cities some banks are also open on Sundays.
Credit cards: Most hotels, restaurants and shops accept
credit cards (American Express, Diners Club,
Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa, Sport Card International). Cash
dispensing machines are ubiquitous.
Voltage of city power grid – 220V, frequency 50HZ
Tap water is potable throughout Croatia .
The telephone code
for Croatia is +385.
Time zone
GMT plus one hour in winter and GMT plus two in summer.
Travel documentation
Passport or some other internationally recognised
identification document. Tourists may remain in Croatia for
up to three months.
For more information
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia:
Tel.: 01 4569 964
Customs regulations
Customs regulations of the Republic of Croatia are in
line with the standards of European Union countries. Foreign
currency is freely brought in and taken out of the country
(up to a value of 3.000 euros); up to a value of 15.000 kn
for domestic currency. More expensive professional and
technical equipment should be registered at the border. Dogs
and cats, accompanied by their owner, need to have an
International certificate from a registered veterinarian
stating that at least 15 days and not more than six months
have passed since their vaccination against rabies. Tax
refund for goods purchased in Croatia over 500 kuna in value
with a validated "Tax cheque" at departure from the country.
Information: Republic of Croatia Customs Administration (tel
01 6102 333);
Purchase tax reimbursement for foreign citizens
Tourists making purchases in Croatia (apart from
petroleum derivatives) which exceed 500 Kuna per receipt may
reclaim VAT ("PDV").
At point of purchase the sales person will provide on
request a form PDV-P, which should be filled out and
stamped, on the spot. On leaving Croatia the receipt must be
verified by the Croatian Customs service. A PDV refund in
Kuna can be obtained within six months, either at the same
shop where the goods were purchased (in which case the tax
is refunded immediately), or by posting the verified receipt
back to the shop, together with the account number into
which the refund should be paid. In this case the refund is
dealt with within 15 days of receipt of the claim.
Medical service
Foreign tourists do not pay for medical services if the
Health Care Convention was signed between Croatia and the
country they come from. Expenses of health services provided
to persons coming from the countries with which the Health
Care Convention was not signed are charged directly to users
according to the price list. There are hospitals and clinics
in all the major towns, and health centers, as well as
pharmacies, in all the smaller places. For patients whose
lives are in danger, there is emergency transport by
air(helicopter) or sea (speadboat).
There is a network of veterinary clinics and centres in
www.veterinarstvo.hr, e-mail:
National holidays 2004.
1 January - New Year’s Day; 11
and 12 april - Easter, including Easter Monday;
1 May - Labour Day; 10 June
- Corpus Christi (Movable feast); 22 June -
Anti-Fascist Resistance Day; 25 June -
Statehood Day; 5 August - Victory Day and
National Thanksgiving Day; 15 August -
Assumption; 8 October - Independence Day;
1 November - All Saints Day; 25
and 26 December - Christmas Holidays.
Working hours
Shops and department stores are open between 8 a.m. and 8
p.m. , and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. , or to 3 p.m.
A smaller number of stores close between noon and 4 p.m.
Many stores are also open on Sundays, especially in the
summer, and a smaller number in the larger cities are open
24 hours a day. Public services and companies usually work
from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
Post and Telecommunications
Post Offices are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. , and on
Saturdays until 1 p.m. There are Post Offices in the larger
cities which are open until 10 p.m. in the summer. Postage
stamps are sold in Post Offices and at newsstands.
Public telephones can be used only with phone cards, which
can be purchased in Post Offices and at newsstands, in
hotels and tourist complexes.
Environmental protection
Protection of the biological diversity is in conjunction
with the EU regulations currently in force. The water
quality of the Croatia ‘s Adriatic Sea is of high quality
for swimming and in conjunction to the EU criteria. In case
of an accident or contamination of the sea, please contact
the National Centre for Sea Search and Rescue on the number
9155 (free telephone), which is a part of international
institutions of the same rank. In case of accidental
environmental contamination on land, report it to the
National Information Centre on the number 01/4814 911 For
additional information about the environment: tel: 01/6106
Tel: 0800 200 037, Web:
Fire prevention
- Ensure that you have done everything to prevent a
- Do not throw lit or flammable objects into the
- If you see a fire, please inform others in your
proximity; report it immediately on the telephone number
- 93; try to extinguish the fire till the fire-fighters
arrive and in such a manner so as not to endanger
yourself or others!
- Take notice of signs forbidding the lighting of
- Take care that your parked vehicle does not obstruct
accesses to the fire or roads!
Important telephone numbers
- International dialling prefix for Croatia:
- Ambulance 94
- Fire-service 93
- Police 92
- Assistance on the roads 987;
- (If you are calling from outside of Croatia or using
a mobile phone dial ++3851 987)
- General information 981
- Information about local and district telephone
numbers 988
- Information about International telephone numbers
- Weather forecast and road conditions 060 520
- Croatia’s auto club (HAK) +385 (0)1 4640 800;
www.hak.hr ; e-mail:
CROATIAN ANGELS unified number of
tourist information for all of Croatia +385 (0)62
999 999
International callers, dial: +385 62 999 999
This service is available in Croatian, English, German
and Italian from the 1st of April until the 30th of October.
Radio news in foreign languages during the tourist
On Program 2 of Croatian radio, along with the regular
news in Croatian, the Croatian Auto Club (HAK) will give
traffic reports in English, German and Italian along with
nautical news a number of times throughout the day.
Other than on Program 2 of Croatian radio, alternating news
and traffic reports will be emitted every full hour from the
following studios: Program 3 of Bavarian radio, Program 3 of
Austrian radio, RAI Uno, British Virgin radio and Chezch
radio. Throughout the day nautical news will be emitted in
English and Croatian.
The shallowest part of our sea is in Istria , where the
depth does not exceed 50 metres. From Pula , the seabed
mildly drops, making a long, narrow valley which extends
from Zirje towards Italy which is called Jabucka kotlina.
The biggest depth there is about 240 metres. From Jabucka
kotlina, the bottom rises to Palagruza reef where the
biggest depth is 130 metres. Towards the south, the bottom
drops steeply towards the Juznojadranska dolina, where the
biggest measured depth is about 1,300 metres.
Geographical position
Croatia extends from the foothills of the Julian Alps in the
north-west and the Pannonian Plain in the east, over the Dinara
mountain range in its central region, to the Adriatic coast in
the south.
56,542 km2, with an
additional 31,067 km2 of territorial waters.
4.437.460 inhabitants, capital
Zagreb (779.145 inhabitants - the administrative, cultural,
academic and communication centre of the country).
Length of coast
5,835 km - including 4,058 km of
island, islet and reef coastline.
Number of islands, islets and reefs
1,185. The largest islands are those
of Krk and Cres. There are 67 inhabited islands.
Northern Croatia has a continental
climate; Central Croatia has a semi-highland and highland
climate, while the Croatian coast has a Mediterranean climate.
Winter temperatures range from -1 to 30°C in the continental
region, -5 to 0°C in the mountain region and 5 to 10°C in the
coastal region. Summer temperatures range from 22 to 26°C in the
continental region, 15 to 20°C in the mountain region and 26 to
30°C in the coastal region.
The majority of the population are
Croats. National minorities include Serbs, Moslems, Slovenes,
Italians, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, and others.
Official language and alphabet
Croatian language and Latin
The majority of the population are
Roman Catholics, and in addition there are a number of those of
Orthodox faith, as well as Muslims, and Christians of other